2nd Digitized Sky Survey (Red)

Short name[s] used to specify survey:DSS2R, DSS2 Red

This survey comprises the POSS2 Red data from the north and rescanned 1" scans of UKSTU red data in the south.

The native projection of these data is described as a high-order polynomial distortion of a gnomonic projection using the same terms as the DSS.

Provenance Data taken by ROE, AAO, and CalTech, Compression and distribution by Space Telescope Science Institute.
Copyright There are multiple copyright holders depending upon the source plate or plates. See full copyright notices The coverage link below describes the coverage for each element of the surveys when the original plate used is not included in the SkyView files.
Regime Optical
NSurvey 1
Frequency 445 THz
Bandpass 422-564 THz
Coverage All-sky, but some data not yet be processed.
PixelScale 1"
PixelUnits Pixel values are given as scaled densities
Resolution Depends on plate. Typically 3".
Coordinates Equatorial
Projection Schmidt
Equinox 2000
Epoch 1984-1999
Reference Some information on the DSS2 is given in McLean, 2000, The Second Generation Guide Star Catalog.
Characteristics of the DSS surveys are summarized in this document.